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#9 Ways To Bounce Back From Failure: Convert Failure To Success

Update on: 17 Apr 2020, 04:40 PM

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.” —Samuel Beckett

Failure is hard! The sting of a letdown, the agony of experiencing disappointment and the pain of defeat is hard to endure. Failure crushes you, hurts you deeply and leaves your ego bruised. No wonder everyone dreads failure, but keep in mind that no amount of hating or detesting it can help you avoid it. Success and failure are the two phases of the same coin. Failure is a part of life and the success process. It is certain if you want to succeed in life and desire to do something incredible.

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Failure throws two choices in your way: either give up or fight again. But how you deal with failure will determine your future. You can choose to opt for the easy way out, step back and quit or make the hard choice of picking yourself up, getting back on your feet and starting all over again. The right choice will help you steer yourself towards success and transform your life.

Here are the 9 ways how to overcome and convert failure to success:

  1. Stop Complaining and Accept what happened

The first thing you should do when you have failed is to accept it and come to terms with it. Don’t ignore, deny or hide it. You have failed and there’s nothing you can do to UNDO it now. Embrace it and move forward.

  1. Own Your Failure

Accept your failure and decide to do something about it. As it is said,” A bad workman always blames his tools”. You should learn to take accountability for yourself.  Never blame people, situation or conditions for your failure as there are millions of people who succeed even after having a more adverse situation. Transform your weaknesses into your strengths.

  1. Analyze the reasons “why and where”

Gain insight into what went wrong and where. Analyze and a rundown on the number of things that didn’t work for you. The most common reason for failure is just a lack of planning and preparation. Figure out why you feel demotivated to study and find out how to overcome it (blog link). You must learn from your silly mistakes and ‘heed the lessons of failure’, as Bill Gates put it. Convert failure to success by changing your way of progression towards the work that you do. Always be open to feedback.

  1. Chalk Out New Plan

Identify your weaknesses, work on them and turn them into your strength. Revise your strategy, prepare yourself, work on your weak points and create a new study plan to put things right. Be innovative and try to make new changes. Be more productive while preparing for exams.

Must Read: Can’t keep up with NEET/ JEE Preparation? Know what you ssshould do

  1. Break down your goals

Sometimes we think we should succeed almost immediately. So put a check on your expectations. Reaching your success in one day is nearly impossible. So, break them into small goals. You can’t have a plate of food in one go. Similarly, success cannot be reached in one day but small goals can be achieved. Celebrate those small pieces of success. This will keep you motivated and inspired.

Related Article: 9 Super tips to overcome your fear of online testing

  1. Keep Track of Your Goals

Make a study planner and keep a track of your goals. Some people make a diary, some make schedules and some keep reminders. Choose the way you like. This will help you to stay close to your goals and timely achieve the result. Reward yourself for sticking with your plan and achieving, like the new lesson you’ve learned, scored well in the online test series, understood complex concepts of Physics, etc.

  1. Stay in positive frame of mind

Positivity is the key to success. Pessimists never achieve success in their lives. Learn to be optimistic. Recovery and rebounding take time. To facilitate and make the process faster, you must fight all negative thoughts that cross your mind and fill yourself with positivity. Don’t have unrealistic goals for you, focus on the tiny successes. Keep reminding yourself of how you faced past failures and overcame them.

A positive and a healthy mind lives in a healthy body! Must Read our – healthy lifestyle tips to attain a better state of mind, for a better future

  1. Focus on improving yourself and avoid comparisons

You are the only competitor for yourself in the race of life. If you improve from the performance shown on the last day, you have reached one more step closer to success. Do not compare yourself with others, that is the worst practice one can do to harm oneself. Instead focus on how you can do everything within your power to rectify, resolve and improve yourself each passing day. Be the best version of yourself!

  1. Give your best shot and begin again

Failure shouldn’t be the end of your dreams, goals, and aspirations. Be resilient to bounce back to achieve what you aspire to have. The power of failure should only motivate you to chase your goals with a fresh start. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts”, Winston Churchill. Give your best shot in this attempt. You will succeed.

Failure can work for you big time if you look at it the right way. As A.P.J Abdul Kalam said, “Don’t read success stories, you will only get a message. Read failure stories also, you will get some ideas to get success.”  Read the inspiring stories of successful people.

The ability to bounce back from failure and finish the race is what makes someone a winner. Read MTG books to convert failure to success and give winning performance in any exam. Loaded with everything that will motivate you to read more and more and succeed in exams.

“Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” —Oprah Winfrey

Success Made Clean with MTG Books!


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