Home » History and Significance of National Cancer Awareness Day

History and Significance of National Cancer Awareness Day

Update on: 05 Nov 2022, 03:41 PM

history and significance of national cancer awareness day

On November 7, India observes National Cancer Awareness Day. The significance of increased public awareness about cancer prevention and early detection is highlighted on this day. In 1975, the National Cancer Control Programme was established to provide cancer treatment facilities throughout the country. Every year, nearly 1.1 million new cases are reported in India. Usually, people are diagnosed at an advanced stage in two-thirds of cancer cases, reducing patients’ chances of survival. Several programmes have been launched to increase cancer prevention and early detection research.

National awareness cancer day india facts

Dr Harsh Vardhan, the Indian Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, first declared National Cancer Awareness Day in September 2014, and November 7 will be observed as National Cancer Awareness Day every year to raise awareness about early detection and the avoidance of cancer-causing lifestyles.

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History of National Cancer Awareness Day

On November 7, National Cancer Awareness Day is observed to commemorate the birth anniversary of Nobel Prize-winning scientist Madame Curie. Marie Curie, born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1867, is best known for discovering radium and polonium and making significant contributions to the fight against cancer. Her research resulted in the developing of nuclear energy and radiotherapy for cancer treatment.

Every year, nearly 1.1 million new cases are reported in India. In India, one woman is estimated to die from cervical cancer every 8 minutes. Tobacco use (both smoked and smokeless) was responsible for 3,17,928 deaths in men and women in 2018. Male cancers of the oral cavity and lungs account for more than 25% of cancer deaths, while female cancers of the breast and oral cavity account for 25% of cancers.

timeline of national cancer awareness day
Credits – nationaltoday

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Significance of National Cancer Awareness Day

Today, Dr Harsh Vardhan advises that if cancer is detected early, it can be treated, whereas the chances of survival reduce when diagnosed at an advanced stage. Its mortality rate is also significantly reduced if people seek screening when the first symptoms appear.

Hence, don’t forget this day or this cause on any other day as it can save or break lives! It is all about informing your loved ones about the prevention of this deadly disease. Always stay put for any symptoms.

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