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How To Make Right Career Choice-5 Simple Steps to Decide!

Update on: 19 Jun 2019, 05:33 PM

Among many concerns a student faces, one is to make the right moves to make the right decisions for future career prospects. The career choice you make determines a huge part of the rest of your life. After all, you spend large parts of your life working. When choosing a certain profession or making a career switch, it is important to carefully find out what your interests and ambitions are, and to identify your long term and short-term goals. How to make right career choice, well the decision is never easy, but we are here to help you in taking well-prepared career choice with 5 simple steps. Read on!

If you are confused about the course to take after class 12th, Check Out Trending Courses in ScienceTop most Courses in Arts and Best courses in Commerce and choose the best course for yourself!

  1. Assess yourself:

Before you rush making career choices, access yourself and your skills. Learn about your values, interests, soft skills, aptitude, personality type, etc. All these factors make some areas a good fit for some and a bad fit for others. You should take aptitude tests to assess relative information about your traits and then accordingly make areas in which you are compatible. Explore your strengths and weaknesses in detail with SOF Mindgraph. It is a set of analytical and psychometric tests which you can use to determine what you’re made for. Solving these tests will equip you to make smarter decisions that are best suitable for you.

  1. Explore the areas of interest:

Now, based on the traits and skills you are good at, indicated by self-assessment ​test, make a list of career choices that will be suit you. Start collecting basic information about each area on your list. Learn about different opportunities, job descriptions, education requirements, data about earnings, etc. Explore and gather as much information as you can because this will definitely help you in selecting your areas wisely.

Are you looking for some good professional courses other than Engineering? Must read our blog – Courses after 12th Science other than Engineering-Best Career Options

3. Shortlist the selected areas:

Now, you have to narrow down your list by eliminating the careers you do not want to pursue. Remove all those options which do not appeal to you.  Also, remove the careers which have weak job outlooks. You have to remove the areas if you are not able to fulfil the basic eligibility for that areas.  You may also conduct informational interviews pf people who work in occupations in which you are interested. This will give you first-hand information about careers you have shortlisted.

Are you willing to become the best version of yourself? Read our blog – Why developing your persona is considered an important aspect in life? And let your personality develop by following the tips mentioned.

4. Make a wise choice:

After all the research you are almost ready to make your career choice. Select the areas which go according to your biggest attributes, to find a career that prefers you completely in a way that it gives you job satisfaction and lifestyle that you are aspire to have. You should enjoy your career and be passionate about it!

5. Chalk out your Action Plan

As discussed in the beginning, identify your long-term goals and short-term goals. This very important to move forward with the action plan for the right career choice. For example, you long term goal is to retire as CEO of IT company, so to achieve this your short-term goals will be to acquire a degree, do an internship, apply for jobs, etc. Now your action plan should include all your short- and long-term goals and the steps you will have to take to reach each one. Think of it as a roadmap that will take you from point A to B, and then to C and D. Include any anticipated barriers that could get in the way of achieving your goals and the ways you can overcome them.

Does thinking about studies worries you too much? Or there are times you feel demotivated when you sit for studies? Must Read our blog- 5 Reasons Why You Feel Demotivated to Study and How to Overcome It.

Hope these simple tips to know how to make right career choice will help you in taking right decision for your career. You’ll be able to choose a career which is the best fit for your personal aptitude and goals.


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How To Make Right Career Choice-5 Simple Steps to Decide!
How to make right career choice, well the decision is never easy, but we are here to help you in taking well-prepared career choice with 5 simple steps. Read on!
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