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7 Key Benefits of Group Study-Know why “Two heads are better than one”

Update on: 27 May 2019, 05:40 PM

Be it working on projects, preparing for exam or making presentations, group study is a great way to learn and practice. This is because group study helps to gain insight into deeper and wider perspective of learning. Each group member has different qualities/ideas to offer to the study group. When students work together in groups toward common goals of learning they can provide encouragement to each other to keep motivated toward the goals. It can be a positive and enjoyable experience. Here we have highlighted key benefits of group study, read on to learn advantages of group study.

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  1. Eliminates Procrastination
When you study alone, a sense of procrastination or doing it later might creep in. You might find out various excuses to “justify” postponing your study. You might want to check your WhatsApp, Facebook or take a small nap. All these may actually contribute in breaking your mood rather than making it. On the other hand, in group study, there are rare chances of procrastination. Even if you wish to postpone things, there will always be someone who will push you to study. If you struggle with procrastination, a study group might just be the solution for you!

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  1. Helps You Learn Quicker

Students in study groups usually learn quicker than students who study alone. If you don’t understand a topic, you can ask your fellow group members questions that will benefit you to understand on that particular concept. Likewise, you can help a friend when they face difficulties understanding something where you have a clear concept. Teaching/explaining information and concepts to the other group members will help you reinforce your mastery of the information and concepts.

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  1. Compare Class Notes
Studying with a group permits you to analyze your notes with other students. If you aren’t a great listener and note-maker, then you can see how other students take notes and fix errors you might have made. Study groups provide you an excellent opportunity to compare your class lecture notes. By comparing notes with other students, you can evaluate your accuracy, fix errors, and get ideas for better note-making.
  1. Get New Perspectives

If you study by yourself, you will only get one perspective-yours, but in group study you will get different perspectives on the same topic which will help you learn the topic more thoroughly. As you listen and ask questions, you will soon start noticing a wide variety of different viewpoint on the same idea. Listening and asking questions will provide more food for thought while developing your critical skills.

  1. Breaks the Boredom

Studying by yourself, especially for long periods of time can become boring and monotonous. On the contrary, in group study, you will stay motivated and encouraged as every member will push you to work towards the goal. To study in a group and to actively participate in the activities, you will keep yourself updated and well-prepared. You have other fellow students to interact and studying in a friendly environment invokes learning.

  1. Sharpen Your Study Skills
Everyone has her/his own particular study methods. But, by joining a study group, you will have an opportunity to observe a wide variety of study methods in action. After considering the pros and cons, you can improve your own study regimen by incorporating the best methods with your own. Note-taking and organization skills are two major study components that continue to be improved through study groups.
  1. Hone Your People Skills

Working with your peers in a study group gives you an excellent opportunity to hone your teamwork abilities and communication skills. In future, you will often be working in group with your colleagues on projects during your career. Benefits of group study help you enhance these soft skills, which will definitely be a booster in your career.

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So, you see there are immense benefits of group study. Being in a study group with motivated mates is a great help to reduce test anxiety. Before you go and join a study group, remember that all groups are not created equal. Choose your companions wisely or study by yourself.

Have you ever joined group study? If yes, then share the benefits you have experienced in the comment section.

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