Home » Monthly Idioms and Phrases Quiz – July Edition

Monthly Idioms and Phrases Quiz – July Edition

Update on: 22 Jul 2024, 05:20 PM

Idioms and phrases are an important part of the English language. They make our conversations and writing livelier and more meaningful. These expressions give us insight into the culture and history that have shaped the language. Examples like “raining cats and dogs” and “cold shoulder” show us fun and easy ways to share complex thoughts and feelings.

Do you think you know about idioms and phrases? Take this quiz to see how you do! Don’t worry if you’re unsure – this quiz will help you learn more. Let’s have fun and test your knowledge!

Here are some new idioms and phrases with multiple-choice options:

Q.1. “Break the ice” means:

A) To start a conversation in a social setting

B) To destroy something

C) To feel cold

D) To win a game


A) To start a conversation in a social setting

Q.2. “Barking up the wrong tree” means:

A) Making a good decision

B) Pursuing the wrong course of action

C) Being very loud

D) Speaking to a dog


B) Pursuing the wrong course of action

Check June Month – Monthly Idioms and Phrases Quiz – June Edition

Q.3. “Cost an arm and a leg” means:

A) To be very expensive

B) To lose a body part

C) To cost very little

D) To sell something


A) To be very expensive

Q.4. “On cloud nine” means:

A) Feeling very sad

B) Being extremely happy

C) Living in the mountains

D) Feeling sleepy


B) Being extremely happy

Q.5. “Get cold feet” means:

A) To feel physically cold

B) To become nervous or hesitant

C) To step in cold water

D) To run quickly


B) To become nervous or hesitant

Q.6. “Once in a blue moon” means:

A) Happening rarely

B) Happening every day

C) Unusual events

D) A regular occurrence


A) Happening rarely

Q.7. “A blessing in disguise” means:

A) A bad situation that turns good

B) A hidden treasure

C) A kind act

D) A confusing situation


A) A bad situation that turns good

Q.8. “When pigs fly” means:

A) Something is impossible

B) Something is likely to happen

C) Animals are flying

D) A pig is in the air


A) Something is impossible

Q.9. “The early bird catches the worm” means:

A) Starting early brings rewards

B) Birds often get worms

C) Worms are easy to catch

D) Birds sleep late


A) Starting early brings rewards

Q.10. “Catch someone off guard” means:

A) To surprise someone

B) To catch someone physically

C) To ignore someone

D) To prepare someone


A) To surprise someone

Feel free to use these idioms and their meanings!

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