Home » International Yoga and Music Day – Linking Breath to Beat!

International Yoga and Music Day – Linking Breath to Beat!

Update on: 21 Jun 2022, 03:08 PM

yoga and music day benefits for studies

21st June in India became a memorable day in 2015 as the Prime minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi inaugurated the first-ever International Day of Yoga! The day brought great pride to India as Yoga, the ancient art of healthy living received recognition at an international level. But, do you know one more very important day is celebrated on June 21 every year? Coincidently, 21st June also marks the celebration of World Music Day! On one hand, world music day appreciates young people coming forward and celebrating the existence of music. And on the other hand, International Yoga Day is meant to educate people about the physical & mental wellness that comes from Yoga.

narendra modi tweet on international yoga day

Have you realized that both the concepts celebrated on the same day indeed have a very significant connection with each other? Yoga, on one hand, heals the body, while Music, calms the mind!

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Benefits of Yoga and Music.

Yoga and music both have similar positive reactions to physiological conditions such as anxiety, stress, and blood pressure. Doing yoga and listening to slow music even helps you to enhance your focus and stay productive! Here are a few benefits that you may experience if you practice yoga along with the music-

  1. Listening to music while doing yoga enables you to dive deeper into your thoughts. Slow music enables your concentration and helps you to enhance your ability to focus. It also helps you to let go of the stress and relax while going with the flow!
  2. While doing various asanas, you may not understand when to breathe in or breathe out. In such cases, a slow beat of the music can be of help! Slow music can help you to enter a nice meditative state during the practice of yoga.
  3. Listening to music, makes you breathe along with the rhythm which means you breathe in more oxygen! As a result of more oxygen in the body, the happy hormone (dopamine) and serotonin are secreted which makes your mood calmer and happier! Doing yoga in such a mood benefits you greatly.

Please note that doing Yoga with music is not something made for everyone! However, those who enjoy this combination may find it very useful to stay focused.

How do Yoga and Music help in Studies?

Today through this section, we will elaborate on how Yoga and music together help you in your studies-

  1. Yoga and Music, enable higher concentration.
    Practicing Yoga along with slow music helps you to breathe along with the beat of the music. This enhances the regulation of oxygen inside the body which further strengthens your concentration ability.
    Having a high concentration can help you greatly in learning complex concepts!
  2. The two practices calm your thoughts and relieve stress.
    Yoga tends to clear your thoughts meanwhile music helps you to relieve the stress. Listening to classical music or music which is not too wordy while doing yoga for at least 20 minutes every day can help you to have clearer thinking ability.
    Having a calm mind is always the right state of mind to study!
  3. Yoga and Music enhance your memory.
    Music activates both, the left and right parts of your brain while Yoga enhances the oxygen circulation in the brain. When combined, the two practices can help enhance memory.
    Having a great memory means attaining a longer memorizing ability than ordinary people!
  4. Yoga instills self-discipline while music lifts the mood to study.
    Music motivates your inner-self whereas yoga instills self-discipline. Together, both music and yoga motivate you to study consistently without fail!
    Consistency is the right key to succeed in long-term studies!
  5. Both together motivates you to stay productive!
    Practicing yoga keeps you physiologically fit and music can energize your mind. When made a habit of practicing together, yoga and music help you stay productive!
    Studying productively is the best motivation to study positively!

how do yoga and music help in studies

Summing Up

Although yogis don’t like the idea of combining modern music with yoga, the fact that Indian classical music has always been an integral part of yoga through chants and mantras remains unchanged! Both Yoga and Music can be as rightfully paired as we pair excelled preparation with perfection! Don’t ignore the music around you because music is as important to oneself as Yoga is for Humanity!

This International Yoga Day and World Music Day, let’s Link our breath with a beat!

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