After bringing the change in the paper pattern of JEE Main exam, NTA has released JEE Main 2020 sample question paper for numerical value type (NVT) questions on its website NTA has released these questions so that the candidates appearing in JEE Main 2020 exam can get familiar with this new variety of NVT questions.
Read: All new Changes which has been done in JEE Main 2020 Exam Pattern
JEE Main 2020 Numerical Section
JEE Main 2020 will be held for three papers – BE/BTech, BArch and B. Planning. The paper will have 20 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and 5 numerical value type (NVT) questions. This is the first time in JEE Mains, that numerical value type questions will be asked in 2020. Until now, the paper used to contain only objective questions. Following is the detailed new exam pattern of JEE Main 2020:
Also Read: Most Important Topics For JEE Main 2020 Preparation
NTA Sample Questions for Section on Numerical Value
NTA has released 5 sample questions in total.
First question is “A particle moves in the x-y plane under the influence of a force such that the linear momentum Is P(t) = A [ î cos kt – ĵ sin kt ]. Where A and k are constants. The angle in degrees between force and momentum is_________.”.
The answer provided for this question is “90”.
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The second question in the sample paper is “A power line lies along the east – west direction and carries a current of 10 A. The force per meter due to earth’s magnetic field of 10-4 T is 10-X N/m. The value of x is_____________ “.
Its answer is “3”.
Then the third question is “The sun’s disc subtends an angle of 10-2 rad at the earth. The radius of curvature ( in meters) of the mirror which will produce on a screen an image of the sun 2 cm in diameter is____________. ”
And the answer is “4”.
Fourth question is “ The binding energy of deutron (1H2 ) is 1.15 MeV per nucleon and an alpha particle ( 2He4) has a binding energy of 7.1 MeV per nucleon. Then in the reaction 1H2 + 1H2 → 2He4 + Q The energy Q released in MeV is __________ “.
And its answer is 23.8.
The fifth and the last question is “Light of wavelength 0.6 mm from a sodium lamp falls on a photo cell and causes the emission of photoelectrons for which the stopping potential is 0.5 V. With light of wavelength 0.4 mm from a mercury lamp the stopping potential is 1.5 V. Then, the work function in eV of the photocell surface is____________.
Its answer is “1.5”
Experts say that, practicing of sample papers is as important as preparing for the exam and making revision plans. Hence, it is important to practice JEE Main mock test papers or sample papers as much as you can. You can practice from the most authentic MTG’s NTA JEE Main 2020 practice book. It contains 5 Mock Test Papers as per the latest pattern of JEE Main (MCQs + Numerical Value Type Questions) and all 16 Online Papers conducted by NTA in 2019. Attempting these mock tests will enable you to know the exam pattern and process of answering the questions more clearly.
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