A number of qualified candidates are rejected subsequently on medical grounds. Candidates are therefore advised in their own interest to get themselves medically examined before submitting their applications to avoid disappointment at the final stage.
- Candidates are also advised to rectify minor defects/ailments in order to speed up finalisation of medical examination conducted at the Military Hospital after being recommended at the SSB.
- Few of such commonly found defects/ailments are listed below: (a) Wax (Ears) (b) Deviated Nasal Septum (c) Hydrocele/Phimosis (d) Overweight/Underweight (e) Under Sized Chest (f) Piles (g) Gynaecomastia (h) Tonsillitis (i) Varicocele
- Civilian candidates appearing for all types of commission in the Armed Forces will be entitled to out-patients treatment from service sources at public expense for injuries sustained or diseases contracted during the course of their examination by the Selection Board. They will also be entitled to in-patient treatment at public expense in the Officer’s ward of a hospital provided—
(a) the injury is sustained during the tests or,
(b) the disease is contracted during the course of the examination by selection board and there is no suitable accommodation in local civil hospital or it is impracticable to remove the patient to the civil hospital; or,
(c) the medical board requires the candidate’s admission for observation.
- Medical Procedure
A candidate recommended by the Services Selection Board will undergo a medical examination by a Board of Service Medical 35 Officers. Only those candidates will be admitted to the academy who are declared fit by the Medical Board. The proceedings of the Medical Board are confidential and will not be divulged to anyone. However, the candidates declared unfit will be intimated by the President of the Medical Board and the procedure for request for an Appeal Medical Board will also be intimated to the candidate.
- Candidates declared unfit during Appeal Medical Board will be intimated about the provision of Review Medical Board.
- Medical Standards and procedure for Army, Navy and Air Force (Flying Branch and Ground Duty Branch) are given in Annexure ‘A’. Annexure ‘B’ and Annexure ‘C’ respectively, which is also available at following websites: –
(i) For Officers Entry into Army: Medical Standards and Procedure of Medical Examination at www.joinindianarmy.nic.in (ii) For Officers Entry for Air Force (flying & Ground duty branches) Medical Standards and Procedure of Medical Examination at www.careerindianairforce.cdac.in (iii) For Officers Entry for Navy: Medical Standards and Medical Examination at www.joinindiannavy.gov.in
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Medical Examination of Female Candidates
- General methods and principles of medical examination of female candidates will be the same as for male candidates. However, special points pertaining to Medical Examination of female candidates are given in succeeding paragraphs.
- A detailed menstrual, gynaecological and obstetric history in the form of a questionnaire is to be obtained from the candidate.
- A detailed physical and systemic examination will be carried out of the candidate and she should be examined by a Lady Medical Officer or a Lady Gynaecologist only.
- The examination must include the following inspections:-
- External genitalia.
- Hernial orifices and the perineum.
- Any evidence of stress urinary incontinence or genital prolapsed outside introitus.
- (d) Evidence of lump breast and galactorrhoea
- In all unmarried female candidates, speculum or per vaginal examination will not be carried out.
- Ultrasound scan of the abdomen and pelvis is mandatory in all female candidates during the initial Medical Examination.
- Any abnormality of external genitalia will be considered on merits of each case. Significant hirsutism especially with male pattern of hair growth along with radiological evidence of PCOS, will be a cause for rejection.
- Following conditions will entail female candidates being declared unfit:
- Primary or secondary amenorrhoea
- Severe Menorrhagia or/ and severe dysmenorrhea.
- Stress urinary incontinence
- Congenital elongation of cervix or prolapsed which comes outside the introitus even after corrective surgery.
- Pregnancy will be a cause of rejection for NDA entry.
- Complex ovarian cyst of any size.
- Simple ovarian cyst more than six cm.
- Endometriosis and Adenomyosis.
- Submucous fibroid of any size.
- Broad ligament or cervical fibroid of any size causing pressure over ureter.
- Single fibroid uterus more than three cm in diameter; fibroids more than two in number (each fibroid not more than fifteen mm in diameter) or fibroids causing distortion of endometrial cavity.
- Congenital uterine anomalies except arcuate uterus.
- Acute or chronic pelvic infection.
- Disorders of sexual differentiation.
- Any other condition will be considered on merits of each case by the Gynaecologist.
- Following conditions will be declared as FIT:-
- Unilocular clear ovarian cyst up to six cm.
- Minimal fluid in pouch of Douglas.
- Medical fitness after laparoscopic surgery or laparotomy. Candidates reporting after undergoing cystectomy or myomectomy will be accepted as fit if she is asymptomatic, ultrasound pelvis is normal, histopathology of tissues removed is benign and per operative findings are not suggestive of endometriosis. Fitness will be considered twelve weeks after laparoscopic surgery and when the wound has healed fully. Candidate will be considered FIT after laparotomy one year after the surgical procedure.
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