Home » Top 5 Secret Tips to Score High in CBSE Science Question Paper Class 10

Top 5 Secret Tips to Score High in CBSE Science Question Paper Class 10

Update on: 16 Jul 2024, 03:00 PM

CBSE Science Question Paper Class 10 is expected to be held in mid-March, 2025. Science and Mathematics are considered the most important subjects in terms of boards, as there are good chances to score high in these subjects. Despite this, many students fail to score high in these papers as they consider these subjects as the tougher ones. But with effective planning and proper strategic efforts, any student can clear these papers with flying colours. Here we are providing 5 Secret tips for CBSE Science Question Paper Class 10. Read this article if you aim to score high in your BOARDS.

Top 5 Secret Tips to Score High Marks in CBSE Science Question Paper Class 10

1. Solve Previous Years Papers

By this time almost all students must have gone through their syllabus completely. Even first phase of revision would have been finished also. What’s next?

Now is the time to put more efforts on the revision of some important topics – topics which carry more weightage. Our expert’s team suggests that you should give more stress on the following topics:

  • In Biology: Heredity, Life Processes, Control and Coordination
  • In Chemistry: Carbon and its compounds
  • In Physics: Electricity, Light – Reflection and Refraction

A thorough analysis of previous year’s papers throws light on the fact that around 25% of questions in Board exams are usually repeated from previous exams. Hence, the best way for students to prepare and revise for board exams is to previous years’ question papers for class 10. This way students will get better understanding of question-pattern which can further help in effective revision of all the chapters.

S.No.ChaptersEstimated Marks
Chapter 1Chemical Reaction And Equations3
Chapter 2Acids, Bases And Salts5
Chapter 3Metals and Non-Metals5
Chapter 4Carbon and Its Compounds7
Chapter 5Life Processes5
Chapter 6Control and Coordination6
Chapter 7How Do Organism Reproduce6
Chapter 8Heredity 6
Chapter 9Light Reflection and Refraction5
Chapter 10The Human Eye and The Colourful World7
Chapter 11Electricity5
Chapter 12Magnetic Effects Of Electric Current8
Chapter 13Our Environment5

A very good analysis of previous 10 years papers with topic-wise and chapter-wise division is available in MTG’s CBSE Champion Chapterwise-Topicwise –Science for Class 10. You can practice well before the Science Question Paper Class 10with the help of this book. Get Kindle edition of this book for instant availability and benefits.

2. Prioritize for Solving Science Question Paper Class 10 in the first 15 Minutes

Once you get the question paper, keep the first 15 minutes for reading the entire question paper completely and thoroughly. You should read the instructions carefully and then quickly go through the questions one-by-one. Tick the questions which are easy to solve. Students should set their priorities for solving the paper, starting from easier questions. Proper time management is an essential key that will allow you to attempt all the questions in board exam correctly within the given time frame. So, students should divide the exam duration (normally 3 hours) judiciously in accordance with the type of question and its difficulty level. Students should also keep some time for revision after they have solved the question paper.

3. Write your answers in accordance with Marking Scheme

It is generally seen that students pour out everything whatever they know while writing the answers. Students should write only the required points in their answers in accordance with the marking scheme. Writing unnecessary points not only puts a negative impression on the examiner, but also takes away some of your precious time which may be utilised to answer more questions. Moreover, spending a lot of time while writing unnecessary points results in insufficient time to complete the paper. The examiner assigns marks for certain definite points, key terms, formulae and steps given in answers. So, it is always advisable that students should present their answers as per the given word limit and must follow a hierarchy of relevance, from the most important to the least.

To be very sure about what to write, you need to be thorough with your studies. Hence, you need to devote a good amount of time in your preparation for the Board Exam. You may like to take the help of MTG’s NCERT Exemplar-Solution to prepare well before the exams since most of the CBSE Board exam questions are asked from NCERT Textbook Exercises and NCERT Exemplar problems.

You are also advised to practice from MTG’s CBSE ScoreMore 15 Sample Question Papers  to be well acquainted with the marking scheme and pattern of questions being asked in the CBSE Board Exams.

4. Emphasize on the Presentation

Along with writing the correct and appropriate answers, the presentation also matters a lot. That actually prompts the examiner to read the answers and evaluate them properly. Here are the 7 tips and suggestions to make your answer paper presentable:

  1. Draw a 3cm border on both sides of the page of your answer sheet. On the left side, you will write the serial number of the question clearly and on the right side, you can do your rough work. This will allow you to do rough work on the same writing space without making your answer sheet looking confusing and unclear.
  2. Write the question numbers properly. It should be clearly visible.
  3. Write the answers in such a way that they can be easily readable with properly spaced words which are neither too close nor too far apart.
  4. Try to write most of the answers in points or bullets and properly highlight the headings or sub-headings (if any). Sometimes it happens that the examiner missed out to notice some key points written in your answers due to various reasons such as over-working, tiredness, etc. which may result in loosing marks. Hence, always try to highlight or underline all the important points, keywords, steps, etc.
  5. If possible, try to provide as many diagrams, tables, charts, etc., in support of your answers (but as per the marking scheme, e. for 3-5 marks questions). It increases the visual appeal of the answer as compared to text presentation.
  6. Give a proper spacing between two consecutive answers. Otherwise the examiner may miss out some questions and you may lose marks even if you had answered them correctly.
  7. Avoid scribbling or overwriting as it will make your answer sheet look messy. Strike off only once if you want to cut any information/word in your answer. To prevent any overwriting, first plan the sequence of your answers and then start writing them.

A sample of presentation of answers by CBSE topper has been displayed here for your help.

5. Try Attempting All Questions

Since there is no negative marking, try attempting all the questions. Always write the formula and all the steps while answering any numerical based question. Even if the answer value is incorrect but other calculations and formula is correct, you will score some marks for writing these. Try to answer in sequence but avoid wasting time on any question if you are unable to solve it after repeated trials. You can try solving such questions later as soon as they finish with the rest of the paper.

We hope these tips will help you to score high in the upcoming Science Board exam. For better understanding of Science concepts and boost your preparation for the Boards you are advised to study from MTG’s Foundation Course Books. These books not only help in understanding Science but also aims to make students competent enough to handle the engineering & medical entrance exams. Since CBSE Board follows NCERT textbooks, most of the questions in CBSE Board Exams are framed as per the content given in these textbooks. MTG has come up with NCERT at Your Fingertips-Science which actually helps you to learn NCERT at your fingertips. Students preparing for their Boards are highly recommended to study from this book if they wish to score high.

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going”

All the Best!

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