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10 Tips to Get Best from Your E-School Education

Update on: 04 Jun 2020, 03:10 PM

E-Learning is not a new phenomenon; it is quite popular for a few years. However, the outbreak of COVID 19 and the government’s immediate action to lockdown the countries across the globe gave traditional school learning a sudden shift to e-learning. This shift was not easy, especially in countries like India where some schools are not well equipped to continue their studies with e-learning tools. Nevertheless, Indian schools adopted different temporary tools and methods available to start the e-classrooms with their students. The tools they are using are Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, wiziq, or Google Hangout.

It is very appreciable that until the proper plan or strategy is being formed by the government for a new model of e-schooling, schools have already initiated to teach their students with the available tools and techniques. It becomes equally important for students to not waste any more time and take maximum advantage of e-learning.

Like schools, students too were not prepared for the online classes. Somehow, they managed to attend the e-class. Some had very good experiences and some were not able to create interest. But as some tips are required to be a good student in conventional classes, similarly e-classes also need a proper understanding to get maximum out of it. The following tips will definitely help you to get the maximum benefits from your digital class in e-school. 

1. Find a quiet study space with reliable internet access: Students are intentionally disciplined in the classroom due to the school’s strict rules and regulations. However, when they attend an e-classroom it becomes difficult to be focused due to so many distractions at home. Hence, students must make sure they choose a quiet and calm study place for themselves where no one can disturb them during the class.  Also, parents along with students should arrange uninterrupted internet access for smooth e-learning sessions.

2. Prepare Yourself: Before starting to attend the online classes’ one should have a fair understanding of the tools and technology they are going to use for the learning session. They should make proper arrangements (laptop connection, books, notebooks, pen, etc) 10 minutes before the class timing so that they can attend class on time.

Also Read: Emerging NEED of Digital Education

3. Prepare schedule: Once the teacher provides you the daily or weekly schedule make sure you plan your daily activities accordingly. You must follow the schedule by keeping reminders of the subject-wise class and appear well before the class starts. It will ensure that you will not miss any important topic taught in the class.

4. Make proper notes: Students should make the notes during the online study session. However, sometimes due to slow writing speed students miss out on important points and could not interrupt the teacher during the live session. Hence, they should use digital notes i.e. notepad, Wordpad, or MS word to write the points or they can also record the session to listen to it later. MTG provides a range of books for school students which not only provides a detailed explanation of concepts but also provides short notes for quick revision.

5. Avoid social media distractions: While attending online classes students tend to distract due to social media existence. Students need to make sure they do not use any social media applications during their e-class. They should keep their phone aside, if not attending their class on phones. If they are using phones then disable all notifications for that time. This way they will not miss out on any important topic or announcement by the teacher. Parents should be extra alert when their kid is attending an online class.

6. Active Participation: To get the maximum of any learning session viz. offline or online, participation plays a significant role. When students participate and involve in the classroom activities they learn better. It also improves their cognitive skills and they enjoy what they learn. MTG’s skill development programs are the most effective tool for parents and teachers to develop cognitive and aptitude learning skills in their kids. It will manifold the benefits of online learning for students.

7. Revision is the key: You must revise all that you learn in an online class. Scientifically it is proven that students remember for a long if they revise well. Hence, students should do the 1st round of revision immediately after the classroom session. It will help them retain the topic for a long in their memory. MTG provides revision guides as per students’ needs. Their Rapid Series is best for CBSE, NEET, or JEE students.

Also, check out MTG’s high-on-demand book on “How to Improve Your Memory and Remember More”. It will help you improve your focus and memory power.

8. Assessment and Tests: We know our education system is on the transformation path from the traditional school system to the E-School system. Term tests and assessments will also shift completely to the online method in the coming future. Students should be open to learning the new online exam format. Though various competitive exams are now conducted online and are very effective, at the school level it will be a new experiment. To ease out your stress to prepare for online tests MTG provides the online test and previous years’ question papers of various competitive exams including the Olympiad. It will prepare you well for future online exams.

There are various websites available that provide quality products for CBSE, NEET, JEE, Olympiad, and other competitive exams. Some of them are Test.pcmbtoday.com, Olympiad trainer, champ street. You must check out their digital product which will ease out your e-learning process.

9. Reach out to the teacher: Every student and parent need to know that they have all the right to reach out to the teacher in case of any difficulty. It is advisable not to interrupt the teacher during the live session. You can write down your issues and problems and contact your teacher after the online class. It is expected from the teachers that they should also be cooperative to help the students for a better learning experience.

10. Break: We should never underestimate the power of relaxing our brain. When we take a break and relax, we energize ourselves to perform better in the next activity. Apart from a quick body stretching session and a short walk at the terrace, there are various indoor activities that you can do during COVID 19 homestay.  MTG also provides some online activities for students that are not just fun activities to relax in their free time but also help in strengthening various skills.

While taking care of the mentioned tips you are prepared enough to utilize your e-learning session in the best possible way.

Check out the MTG website for the best digital and physical resources curated by experts for a better learning experience for students.

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