Home » Children’s Day 2020 – Legal Rights For Children You ‘ll Ever Need To Know

Children’s Day 2020 – Legal Rights For Children You ‘ll Ever Need To Know

Update on: 14 Nov 2019, 12:15 PM

Happy children’s day to everyone! Yes, Children’s day is for kids but sure all of us do wish to go back to those golden days and enjoy the tension-free days. So, this wish is for that little kid who is still inside us. If you want to know the story behind Children’s Day, reason why is it celebrated and what is the importance of children’s day? Read on!

Why We Celebrate Children’s Day

Children’s Day also known as Bal Diwas is celebrated on 14 November in India every year to commemorate the birth anniversary of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. He was born on 14 November 1889. He was a great leader and the first prime minister of India. He was passionate about the welfare, education, and development of children in India. Pt. Nehru was very fond of children and thus became popular as Chacha Nehru among his young admirers.

Importance Of Children’s Day

The real essence of children’s day is to raise awareness among people towards the rights, care, and education of children. Children are the future of the country, the key of success and development which leads the country in a new technological way. No doubt they are the god gifts to their parents, innocent, admirable and loved by everyone and also by Chacha Nehru. Although we all have read and heard about human rights but people talk lesser about children’s rights because people think that they are children,so what kind of rights children can have?

 You must know about them. Read on !

Legal Rights For Children

1. The right to education, (article 28)

All children have the right to an education and access to skills which will help them prepare for their future.

2. The right to health (articles 23 and 24)

All children should be cared for if sick, be well-fed, protected from drugs, and enjoy living conditions which are not dangerous to their health.

3. The right to an identity (articles 7 and 8)

All children have the right to a name and nationality from birth, ensuring his protection and support by his own country. If the birth is not registered, the child will not be recognized by the state and will not receive care nor education.

4. The right to a family life (articles 8, 9, 10, 16, 20, 22 and 40)

All children have the right to live with people who love and care for them, preferably their families, or by carers if their own families cannot look after them.

5. Right to be protected from violence (article 19 and 34)

Each child must be protected from violence, from his own family or any person who wishes to harm him. He should never be obliged to suffer or inflict ill-treatment or any act of sexual or physical violence.

6. The right to an opinion (article 12 and 13)

All children have the right to express their views. They also have the right to be informed and give their opinion about the world around them.

7. The right to be protected from armed conflict (articles 38 and 39)

All children must be protected from war and its consequences, such as being a refugee, injured, prisoner, or forced into armed conflict.

8. The right to be protected from exploitation (articles 19, 32, 34, 36 and 39)

A child should not be obliged to work in difficult or dangerous conditions, in order to survive or support his family.

The right to equality and respect for differences. Each child has the same rights, regardless of his race, color, religion, language or culture, gender, or abilities.

Human Rights are imperative but people and especially parents should be made aware about basic children’s rights in India. So, Children’s day is a good occasion for all to make sure there is no ignorance about Child Rights anymore.

Happy Children’s day!

You may to read: Parents’ Guide For Olympiad Preparation – How My Child Can Get Merit Position?

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