Home » 10 Best Engagement Activities for Children You May Have Forgotten

10 Best Engagement Activities for Children You May Have Forgotten

Update on: 16 May 2024, 02:00 PM

One of the major hindrances that teachers come across while teaching is to keep their students engaged throughout their class. No matter how hard teachers try some students tend to get bored or inattentive. Not only does it reflect poorly on the student’s overall academic growth, but it also raises questions about the pedagogy of teachers. However, there are several engagement activities that can make learning interesting for such students.

In this article, we will introduce you to the seven best engagement activities for children that will not only challenge but enhance their creativity. This list of activities will augment their imagination power, thinking skills, social skills, and much more. Half of the battle for teachers is won the day students start showing interest in these activities. Researches prove that kids are more prone to learning by playing rather than by role learning. So, it is recommended to try and make activities fun and engaging.

If you notice your child struggling to remain focused while studying, read out – 10 Super Tips To Attain 100% Concentration on Studies

10 Best Engagement Activities for Children

Textbook Puzzle

This game is very interesting and encourages students to work together and visualize essential concepts from the textbook in an abstract way.
The teacher can separate the class into small groups and give puzzles from the textbook to piece together. After solving the puzzle, the group has to explain the topic in the class.
This activity proved to be beneficial for students in understanding the topic and increasing their chances of scoring more on the exams.

Engagement Activities For Children - textbooks puzzle

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

This is an excellent behavior management activity that endorses hard work among students.

In this activity, the teacher will choose 4 students and make them stand in front of the class. The rest of the class will keep their heads down and keep their thumbs up in the air. Selected students will carefully tip-toe around the classroom and gently pinch one thumb each, from the students with their heads down. Students will then return back to the front of the class and the rest of the students will raise their heads. The students whose thumbs were pinched will then stand and guess who pinched them. If they guess correctly then they will swap with the student at the front, and the game continues.

Engagement Activities For Children - thumbs up & down

Dumb Charades

This simple yet classic game is a great way to encourage students to get out of their seats and participate in the learning process.

Make a list of words/topics from the textbook. Select a student to stand at the front of the room and act out a word from the list (without speaking). The rest of the class will then guess what the student is attempting to portray. Other students can shout out their guesses or put their hands up. Whoever guesses correctly can act out the next word and the process continues.

Engagement Activities For Children - dumb charades


This a unique and interactive which improve students’ spelling and subject knowledge. It makes learning more enjoyable.

Divide the class into two teams then select a student to stand at the front of the class. Give any word related to the lesson from a textbook. The student must then draw spaces on the whiteboard to represent each letter of the word. The rest of the class will then guess the word, one letter at a time. Incorrect guesses result in a hangman being drawn (one line at a time). The first team to guess the word wins, unless the hangman is completed. The game will continue with another student thinking of a relevant word.

Engagement Activities For Children - hangman

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Draw Swords 

This fantastic game tests students’ fine motor skills and promotes quick thinking. It will help students in healthy competition.

In this activity split the class into small groups and choose a student from each group to start. The nominated students will then place the dictionary or textbook under their arms. The teacher will give a word that the students must then race to find in their textbook (like drawing a sword from under their arm!). The student who will find the word will be the winner. The game continues with different words until every student has had a turn.


This is a classic yet great way for students to visualize their understanding in a fun team game.
Students will be split into small groups. The teacher has to give a subject-related topic/word to one student from each group. Selected students then need to draw the topic on the whiteboard and respective teams need to guess it within a given time (30 seconds – 2 minutes).
The first group to correctly guess the word wins. The game repeats until every student has had a turn.


Practice counting

This is a simple yet fun activity that students will enjoy while learning tables.
In this activity whole class will participate at once. Students will start to practice counting by twos, fives, and tens. Pass the ball clockwise or counterclockwise, with the student who receives it saying the number that comes next. For example, if you start with Five!” The student next to you says “ten,” the next one will say “fifteen,” and so on.

practice counting

Comic Making

This activity will make the students jump in excitement. What you have to do is hand over some newspapers and old magazines to students. Now, ask them to think of an interesting story, and create a comic based on that story by sticking paper cuttings from magazines and newspapers on a notebook, identical to how actual comic books look.

Marble Art

This is a fun and colourful activity that is likely to engage your students a lot. To begin this activity, you will need a few marbles, water colours, and a white chart paper. Dip the marbles in a range of colours, just the way the child likes, and roll them up over the chart paper to create colourful, exciting impressions. Ask your students to make use of their own imagination to draw whatever shapes they like using the colour dip marbles.

Painting with Nature

Probably one of the best activities, it helps students explore the beauty of nature. This activity consists of leaves and flowers of varied shapes and sizes, water/fabric colours and a chart paper. Students have to dip the materials like flowers and leaves into the paint pot and then, carefully place it onto the chart paper. This will lead to the creation of beautiful impressions on the paper. Different colours and shapes will be seen on the chart. This chart can be gifted to the student to be used as a painting or even a collage.

These are the best 10 activities that any teacher can try in the class and encourage the students to participate in the process of learning.

These are the best seven activities that any teacher can try in the class and encourage the students to participate in the process of learning.

Happy Learning!

A positive and healthy mind lives in a healthy body! Must Read our BLOG– healthy lifestyle tips to attain a better state of mind, for a better future.

2 thoughts on "10 Best Engagement Activities for Children You May Have Forgotten"

  1. Very nice and interesting information about children’s activities. Thank you for sharing this.

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