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How to Do Fast Calculations with These Mental Math Tricks

Update on: 29 Nov 2022, 11:38 AM

Fast Calculations with These Mental Math Tricks

It’s not necessary that only students find math problems hard. Sometimes even parents or teachers can get stuck doing average mathematical calculations in their heads. Especially when there are large numbers to calculate and even little time. Thus, understanding and knowing how to do math quickly becomes crucial in daily life. Hence, we are here today to show you how to do fast math, which might even involve large numbers to improve your math skills.

Here are some of the quick math strategies for you to use when doing math in your head. Once students get all tricks mentioned here, they should be able to solve math problems they previously feared with accuracy and confidence.

Trending: 10 Vedic Maths Tricks For Rapid Calculations

Addition of Big Numbers

Adding numbers is relatively easy, even in our heads, but only as long as they are small digits. When adding large numbers, it always becomes difficult to add them in our heads. Therefore, here is a trick that will make it easy for you to add 2 large numbers in your head quickly. Let’s see an example now.

How to add a large number in your head very fast – “544 + 338

  • We know it’s a bit difficult to add them in your head fast. So, what you need to do instead is round them up first to make them manageable. So, 544 becomes 550, and 338 becomes 340.
  • Now, you can add 550 and 340 in your head, and that too pretty fast. The total will be 890.
  • Now, determine how much you initially added to your original numbers.
  • So, 550 – 544 = 6 and 340 – 338 = 2
  • Now, after adding these, the total is 8
  • The final answer will be found by subtracting this from 890.

890 – 8 = 882

Mental math tricks for Addition of Big Numbers

We know that you might think this is such a lengthy procedure. But no. This seems long becomes you’re seeing it in writing. When you actually try and solve it in your head like this, this math problem will be pretty easy and fast.

Subtraction from 1,000

So, when you subtract a significant number from 1000, all you need to do is subtract all the numbers except the last one from 9 and the last one from 10. Here’s an example –

  • Step 1Take 1000-664
  • Step 2 – Subtract 6 from 9 = 3
  • Step 3 – Subtract 6 from 9 = 3
  • Step 4 – Subtract 4 from 10 = 6

The answer is 336.

Mental math tricks for Subtraction from 1,000

Also check: 10 Cool Math Tricks To Amaze Your Friends

Multiplying any number 5 times

There will be 2 different tricks for even and odd numbers, respectively.

When multiplying an even number by 5 –

Like 5 x 4 =

  • Step 1: Half the number which has to be multiplied by 5, i.e. 4 becomes 2
  • Step 2: Add a 0 at the end for the answer. Thus, 20

5 x 4 = 20

When multiplying an odd number by 5 –

Like 5 x 3 =

  • Step 1: Subtract 1 from the number which has to be multiplied by 5, i.e. 3 becomes 2
  • Step 2: Now cut the number 2 in half, which becomes 1. 1 Will be the first digit and use 5 as the last digit in all cases. Thus, the answer is 15.
  • 5 x 3 = 15

Finding the Percentage

You might find it challenging to calculate the percentage of a number, but thinking about it in the correct terms makes it much easier to grasp. For example, to find out what 5% of 236 is, use the following formula:

  • Step 1: Put the decimal point over by one place. Therefore, 236 will become 23.6.
  • Step 2: Now, halve 23.6, which is 11.8. This is the answer.

Mental math tricks for finding the percentage

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Complex Multiplication

When multiplying two large numbers, if one of them is an even number, divide it in half and then double it. This method will quickly solve the problem. Consider the following:

20 x 140

Step 1: Divide the number 20 by 2, which equals 10. Double 140, which equals 280. Then multiply your two answers together.

10 x 280 = 2800

The answer to 20 x 120 is 2,800.

Mental math tricks for Complex Multiplication

Practising these quick math tricks can help anyone improve their math skills and become more confident in their mathematical knowledge—thus, less afraid to work with numbers in the future.

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We hope you find these Vedic math tricks useful to solve math problems quickly. However, there are never enough tricks when it comes to Vedic math. If someone thinks that learning Vedic math is nothing special or extra then they need to think twice. However, people thinking they want their children to learn more amazing Vedic math tricks and tips should definitely check Vedic Mathematics Recorded Lectures by MTG.

In the Live Online Classes of Vedic Mathematics, experts of Vedic Mathematic used to help children out in Understanding these tricks. However, there are children who can’t align their own schedules with the timings of these classes. Thus, MTG brought a better way of learning these amazing math tricks and tips – Vedic Mathematics Recorded Lectures.

These will be unedited and exact replicas of the Vedic Mathematics Online classes, just their Recorded version, where there will be complete coverage. Along with these recorded lectures, you also get a set of 7 Vedic mathematics books. There will be 15 sessions of 1 hour each for the Level 1 course (classes 3, 4, and 5) and 20 sessions of 1 hour each for the Level 2 course (classes 6 and onwards). After each session, there will be a quiz of 10 questions to test what you have learned and how much you’ve grown. Students can even ask their doubts via the student portal.

Vedic Mathematics Recorded Lectures and Book Set Level 2

Vedic Mathematics Recorded Lectures and Book Set Level 1

However, the value addition in this course is a set of “7 Vedic Mathematics Books” with which children can practice countless questions and techniques. Each chapter explains the steps of a trick along with example questions following practice questions and answers keys.

Therefore, now children can learn at their own time, convenience, pace, and comfort without having to worry about the timings.

Help your children become masters of mathematics!

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