Home » Happy National Doctors Day 2024 – India’s First Female Doctor

Happy National Doctors Day 2024 – India’s First Female Doctor

Update on: 30 Jun 2024, 03:00 PM

India's First female - Anandibai Gopalrao Joshi

Being a doctor is a highly honourable profession as it plays a vital role in society. In India, Doctors are as respected as God because of their unmatched work especially during covid, when our doctors showed incredible ethics, skills and compassion. Today, on the 1st of July, we pay homage to the doctors in white coats who have selflessly dedicated themselves to healing others.

On this notable day, let’s remember India’s first-ever doctor, Anandibai Gopalrao Joshi. Born in a traditional Brahmin Marathi family, she shattered barriers and paved the way for women in the medical field. At the mere age of 14, she gave birth to her first child who unfortunately died due to medical negligence, this incident proved as a turning point in her life and inspired her to study medicine. Dr Anandibai faced numerous challenges during a time when women’s education was not widely accepted but undeterred by these norms, her unwavering determination helped her the goal that is forever registered in golden words. Her remarkable journey serves as an inspiration for millions of aspiring doctors.

Anandibai Gopalrao Joshi
India’s First female – Anandibai Gopalrao Joshi

The extraordinary life of Anandibai Gopalrao Joshi

  • Born on 31 March 1865 Kalyan, Bombay Presidency, British India.
  • Married at the age of 9 to Gopalrao Joshi.
  • Graduated with an MD in 1886 from Women’s Medical College of Pennsylvania.
  • Regarded as India’s First Lady Doctor of India and the entire subcontinent.
  • Also, regarded as the first Indian woman to visit a foreign land.
  • Marked a significant breakthrough for women’s education.
  • Tragically passed away at the age of 22 due to tuberculosis in 1887.

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Dr Anadibai’s life was brief but her impact was eternal. Her legacy continues to inspire our country to produce remarkable doctors who dedicate their life to the betterment of our nation. The Institute for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences (IRDS) named the Anandibai Joshi Award for Medicine in honour of her early contribution.

Let’s celebrate this day as a day of gratitude towards Anandibai Gopalrao Joshi and our nation’s healthcare professionals who symbolize hope in times of distress. It is a day to recognize their sacrifices, dedication, and unwavering commitment to the welfare of humanity and our society.

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