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9 Super Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Online Testing

Update on: 24 Mar 2020, 11:30 AM

With the growth of computer technology, the education system is also getting digitalized nowadays. Instead of paper-based examinations, educational institutions are opting for online mode of examination. Most of the competitive exams like JEE, NEET, IBPS, etc. are being conducted online- computer based test only. Where some students accept and learn about the new technology faster, there are many students who are not much familiar with this new mode of examination and fear for losing marks due to lack of confidence to take online tests. Are you one of those who are preparing for online examination and want to know how to give the online exam? Then, this article is especially or you to know about some of the most important online test taking tips. With these tips we tried to overcome your fear and so that you can attempt any computer based online test with confidence.

Related Article:  Online Exams Preparation Tips for NEET , JEE & BITSAT

Online Test Taking Tips

  1. Get familiarized with Computer based tests:First and foremost you need to understand about the test. For that you need to get used of taking online computer based tests. So start to attempt Online Mock Tests. This will give you real Computer based tests taking experience. You will learn to manage your time and speed which is much required for better performance in the actual exam. Also, you will be able to do a self-analysis of your performance that will aid in attaining better insight to your strengths and weaknesses.

Are you struggling to get good score in results? Are your efforts not getting reflected in result? Then you are probably not making good use of Mock Test Papers. Read our blog: 5 Reasons Why Mock Test Papers are Important and see your result improving

  1. Be thorough with your concepts:Computer-based tests basically comprise of multiple-choice questions in which all the options look correct. Also, candidates have to answer these questions in a particular time limit. Unless you have a deep understanding of the concepts, it becomes difficult to choose the correct option within the time limit. Hence, to score well in the exam you must be thorough with the concepts and their applications in order to make the correct choice. Refer to MTG’s wide range of books for competitive as well as school board exams to have in-depth knowledge of various concepts in Science, Mathematics, and also enhance your English language skills.
  2. Listen to the instructions carefully:Each exam has its own set of guidelines. Hence, you must pay attention to the guidelines given by the instructor in the examination hall and strictly follow them while participating in the online test. If any doubt arises while performing the test you must immediately approach to your instruction. Clear all your doubts and queries before attempting the online test.
  3. Do not panic:If you are attempting any online test for the first time then do not get afraid. It is just a test like any other examination and the only difference is that in CBT is that you will answer the question with the help of a computer. If you have prepared well and listened to the instructions carefully then you can easily ace in computer based tests. There is nothing to be worried of these computer based tests if you have practiced considerably before appearing in the real exam.

     Attempt NEET Online Test For Free!

  4. Check your system:It is very important to check your computer properly for power supply and internet connection before the exam starts. It is advisable to reach the examination center well before exam starts. If the power supply cuts off or the internet connection is lost, at the middle of the test then you will become stressed out due to anxiety and might lose your flow in the test. So, take the necessary precautions at the beginning only.
  5. Do not fear about technical faults:If you are worried about any technical faults in the system during the computer based test then you should be aware that the exam organizers must have already prepared some provisions to handle them. Hence, relax, concentrate on your preparation for the test and do not allow your brain to get indulged in unnecessary worries. If such technical problems arise then buffer computers are provided at the exam centers where you can continue answering your online test paper. Remember, in such case you must immediately call your exam instructor.

Also read related article: How to attempt Online Exam? Know important guidelines.

  1. Do your calculations in rough sheet:Always use rough sheets for doing the calculations. Since all the options appear correct in multiple choice questions, you should do all the calculations neatly to avoid any confusion while making your choice.
  1. Save your Attempt:Do not forget to click the ‘save’ button after choosing the right option. If you do not save your answer then it will be marked as ‘unattempt’ and you might lose marks even if you made the correct choice. Some students first finish all the questions and then click the save button once for all. However, it is not advisable because you might forget to save it at the last moment which will result in failing in the test. Hence, save your answer each time when you are sure about the choice you made.

Well nothing beats good learning and practice when it comes to getting good score in CBT. But when you are very close to the correct answer, smart guessing, which definitely involves logical thinking, can save you from losing marks. Read our blog:  9 Hacks to Make Smart Guess in Multiple Choice Questions and arrive at correct answer without fail!

  1. Check your answer:You must check your answer twice before saving it. One of the limitations off an online test is that once you save an answer then you cannot change it later. So, solve your question carefully and when you arrive at the correct answer then only click any option.

We hope the given online test taking tips will be of great help for you in preparing for online test.  One must understand that with proper strategy clearing online exams will be a cakewalk for you. Since almost all competitive exams are going to be computer-based, it is necessary to prepare yourself to appear in these exams fearlessly and confidently. Therefore, you must do a comprehensive study of the syllabus, know all the concepts thoroughly and follow the online test-taking strategies mentioned in this article to score high in the exam without making any mistakes.

All the best!

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