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5 Super Foods To Boosts Your Brain Power

Update on: 25 Sep 2019, 03:24 PM

Super foods to boost brain power

We’ve always been told that you are what you eat. Science tells us that some foods increase awareness and mental sharpness, while other foods make us lethargic and give us brain fog. Our brain is an energy-intensive organ, using around 20 percent of the body’s calories, so it requires plenty of good food to maintain concentration throughout the day. Every bite of food taken is a choice that either depletes or strengthens your brain. The wrong choice of foods such as sugar and trans fats can make you feel mentally slow, fretful, and down. While the correct choice of foods helps to build mental muscles positive and productive. So, why take a chance and eat those foods which can have a negative impact on your mind and body rather take a look at 5 Super Foods for a healthy lifestyle.

A positive and healthy mind lives in a healthy body! Must Read our BLOG– healthy lifestyle tips to attain a better state of mind, for a better future.

List of 5 Super Foods to Boost your Brain Power

Here is a list of 5 Super Foods to Boost your Brain Power. Read on!

  1. Fatty Fish

When we talk about brain foods, fatty fish often comes at the top of the list. Type of fish like salmon, sardines, and trout are all rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. About 60% of our brain is made of fat and half of its filled with omega-3 kind. Omega 3 fat is very important to build the brain and nerve cells.

Therefore, fatty fish is an excellent choice for your healthy brain. It creates an incredible impact on the brain, especially when it comes to mild memory loss and depression.

  1. Blueberries

Blueberries are the ultimate brain food. They are rich in antioxidants that protect brain cells from oxidative damage, reduce inflammation, and clear toxic proteins that accumulate with age. They also offer memory-boosting agents like anthocyanin and flavonoids. These anthocyanins are responsible for the improvement in cognitive skills, learning skills, and decision making.

This fruit increases “concentration and memory” for up to five hours because the antioxidants stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain – keeping the mind fresh. It also fights cancer, heart disease, and dementia.

  1. Broccoli

Broccoli is a source of two crucial nutrients, vitamin K and Choline that help improve brain function. Vitamin K helps to strengthen cognitive abilities while Choline has been found to improve memory. People who eat plenty of broccoli perform better on memory tests. Broccoli also includes a sizeable serving of folic acid, which can help ward off Alzheimer’s disease.

Beyond vitamin K and Choline, broccoli also contains a number of compounds that may help protect the brain against damage.

  1. Nuts

Well, Nuts don’t need no introduction. There would hardly be any one of you out there who would be unaware of the fact that Almonds & Walnuts are good for brain. They are a great source of omega three fatty acids. They are a great source of Vitamin E, a vitamin that is associated with less cognitive decline as the person ages. Nuts are also very rich in essential oils and amino acids that are very good for boosting your focus.

While raw nuts are fine, it is best to soak them overnight for about eight hours before eating them, making them easier for the body to digest. Have five almonds daily and you will get another five more reasons to include them in your routine.

Related Article: Unlock the Brain Power and retain 90 % of what you Learn.

  1. Dark Chocolate

Last but not the least, everyone’s favourite – Chocolates! But, keep in mind we are talking about dark chocolates and not your ordinary sweet tooth chocolate craving variants. Dark Chocolates are bitter in taste and have a higher concentration of coca. Cocoa is known to be rich in flavonoids, the compounds that are considered to be responsible for boosting your cognitive performance.

They also contain a small amount of magnesium that helps you de-stress and caffeine that helps boost your mental alertness. But be mindful of the quantity in which you consume it, do not eat it like your sugary milk bases chocolates that you eat brick full at a time. Consuming appropriate doses of dark chocolate can help boost your focus.

So, now are you ready to include these superfoods in your regime? If yes, then add them to your daily meal plan and boost up your brain alertness at studies, office space, institution,s or at home.



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