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12 Summer Vacation Activities for Students to Be Active

Update on: 17 May 2024, 04:00 PM

Summer vacation is on! Students must be excited to visit their grandparents or close relatives. And why not be?! Afterall, the vacation comes once a year. On the other hand, the parents must be wondering if the vacations would turn their child into “Dennis – the Menace”. Parents! you don’t need to worry about this anymore. We are here to help you with some of the most interesting summer vacation activities for your children.

Engaging Activities for Students in Vacation

1. Keep your child stay active & healthy:Long break always leads to boredom and children tend to become inactive and physically lazy at some point. Every child needs 60 minutes of physical activity every day to stay healthy. To keep your child physically active during the summer break it is recommended to enroll them for physical activity classes such as aerobics, swimming or muscle strengthening activities such as yoga, etc.

 2. Engage your child in Summer Reading: Reading is one of the best ways to spend the summer holidays. Reading a book for a certain amount time every day helps to increase the reading speed. It helps to develop English language skills and also improves vocabulary of children. So, get your child some interesting books for reading during their summer holidays in order to instill the habit of reading as well as learning at the same time. MTG’s Learning English books which focus on 4 targeted areas: listening, speaking, reading & writing the language and could be of great benefit to your children in enhancing their English language skills during the summer holidays.

3. Take your child to Historical places: Students often wonder about the magnificence of historical sites and desire to visit many of them. Let the summer vacations be that opportune time to fulfil their long-yearned aspiration. Help them explore the best historical places and let them soak into the mesmerizing grandeur of the architectural beauty of yesteryears.

Taking students for an educational trip during summer holidays can help them to explore new things. They can enjoy nature, explore and learn about the world. It helps them to enhance their general knowledge.

 4. Engage them in Arts & Craft: Engaging students in arts and craft helps to nurture their creativity. It is the best way that allows children to express themselves and help them to create new things. It enables them to think differently improving their innovative skills. Hence, indulging students with such activities promotes creativity and help to find out their hidden talents.

 5. Engage them in writing Daily Journal: Engage your child in writing a daily journal about his/her day. This will keep them self-occupied and they will also able to express their learning outcomes in their own words. Writing daily journal is an effective way to improve your child’s writing skills.Journaling involves writing about his/her own experiences, thoughts, and feelings which help to lower their stress levels, advance their memory and thereby, improving your child’s self-reflection.

 6. Enhance your child’s knowledge with summer vacation worksheets: Summer holidays should be well utilized for both playing as well as for learning. During the long summer break students can improve their knowledge in various subjects by solving summer worksheets. MTG’s 51 Grammar Worksheets and Learning Grammar are the best to improve their English vocabulary and strengthen the concept of English grammar with an interactive approach. Students can also improve their Mathematical skills by practicing on fun-Math worksheets with MTG’s Practice-cum-workbook. Practice-cum Workbook comes in a series for class 1 to 8 which includes a comprehensive set of question structured with progressive level of difficulty.

7. Enhance your child’s scientific skills with Summer Learning Programmes: Students can also enhance their scientific skills during their holidays by getting enrolled with summer learning programmes. MTG’s Science Skill Development Programme is a one month summer programme that has been designed to help students enjoy science and learn scientific skills by practicing various Fun worksheets. Students can also practice their scientific knowledge with the help of MTG’s Science Practice-cum-Workbook. These are a series of books that comprises a comprehensive set of scientific questions structured with progressive level of difficulty for learners.

8. Keep your child’s brain active with Puzzles: Puzzles are one of the most effective learning tools to keep your child active and busy during the summer holidays. These are interactive learning tools through which children can learn various concepts of Science, Maths, etc. in a playful manner. Children, actually, enjoy solving them like a game while learning. When a child solves a puzzle correctly, it gives motivation, which on the other hand, boosts his/her confidence.  Moreover, these can be solved anytime and anywhere, in a short span of time. Puzzles can be of different types: Crossword puzzle, Sudoku puzzle, Word search puzzle, etc. and each one of them helps children to improve their critical thinking and problem-solving

9. Teach them gardening: Gardening has a lot of benefits for the students. The gardening practice helps children to improve their locomotory skills as they need to move from one place to another and have to carry different gardening tools, etc. Moreover, literacy skills are also a part of gardening as students get to learn about different plants and read about the plant growth requirements.

10. Teach them how to cook: Cooking is one of the most interesting summer vacation activities for students to be active. Learning how to cook can benefit them in a number of ways. Listening to the instructions during making a recipe can improve their listening skills. Students learn to explore with their senses and also learn to be well-organized. Moreover, knowing ones cooking skills may also land them up in taking a career in this field in the future.

11. Engage them in Calligraphy course: Kids often feel embarrassed and get rebuked for their poor handwriting. Calligraphy courses can offer a huge sigh of relief to such students. The course teaches how to implement methods needed to produce sophisticated and eye-catching letters. The course teaches a number of forms, means, and instruments employed in both temporary and conventional calligraphic activities.

12. Teach a Foreign or Regional Language: Although a language can never be taught in a few days or months, a basic conversational language can be learnt as an auxiliary activity during the summer vacations. Many schools do have a foreign language in their curriculum. Having said that, if a student is fascinated by a particular language irrespective of foreign or regional, there are many online learning classes available for students that teach several languages. Students can make the most of it.

Keeping your children entertained all through the long summer break can be a difficult task but by encouraging them to stay active and engaged, you can help them to turn the long boring months into a fun-filled, interactive and innovative learning experience. The given list of summer activities for learning can be of great help in dealing with your problem with ease.

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