Congratulations to all the students who successfully passed the SOF IMO 2023 Level-1 exam! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and you have now qualified for the next level, the Level-2 exam, which will take place on 11 February 2024. It is important to note that this achievement sets you apart, as only 5% of students from around the world who took the Level-1 exam have made it to Level-2. You are now part of the creamy layer, but the journey doesn’t end here.
The Level-2 exam is known to be even more challenging, with less than 1% of students able to pass it. Bear not, as MTG is here to support you. They have curated special resources specifically for the SOF IMO Level-2 exam, aimed at making your preparation easier and more effective. With these resources, you will have the opportunity to compete at a global level in the SOF IMO exam and potentially win incredible prizes. So, keep pushing forward and give it your all.
Dont Miss Out – How To Solve IMO Olympiad Question Paper
Best MTG SOF IMO Level-2 Study Essentials 📚
Following resources are meticulously curated for the best preparation for SOF IMO Level-2 exam.
– Concept revision and discussion on last year’s Level 2 paper
– Expert-led online course
– 1-hour classes covering concept revision and practice questions
– Doubt clearance sessions
– Access to recorded lectures explaining solutions to last year’s paper
Read on – Preparation Tips for Level 2 International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) Exam
– 3 Mock tests based on the SOF IMO 2023 exam pattern.
– Test duration & Number of questions matches the SOF IMO.
– Syllabus and difficulty level are aligned with the SOF IMO.
– Attempt the tests anytime and anywhere.
– 5 Practice test papers in PDF format.
– 5 OMR Answer sheets in PDF format.
– 5 Answer Keys for the practice test papers in PDF format.
This e-book contains 4 years of SOF IMO previous year papers to get you acquainted with the exam pattern and reduces the uncertainty of how the exam will be like bringing more confidence to you. With an e-book format it gives you freedom to attempt and familiarize with the exam pattern anytime, anywhere.
What’s stopping you? The competition is fierce and the exam tougher. Start preparing for SOF IMO Level-2 immediately and put in your best effort. With the right preparation, you can excel at the international level and bring pride & joy to your parents!
Also Check – How to Prepare For SOF Level 2 Olympiads The Right Way
Good luck!