Home » CBSE Board 2021 Exam Date Sheet Released: Check Major Highlights

CBSE Board 2021 Exam Date Sheet Released: Check Major Highlights

Update on: 03 Feb 2021, 04:20 PM

The long wait of CBSE students is now over as Education Minister, Mr Ramesh Pohriyal announced the CBSE class 10 exam date sheet & CBSE class 12 exam date sheet on 2nd Feb 2021. The exams are scheduled to be held from May 4 to June 10. Students can check and download the complete date sheet on the official website of CBSE, cbse.nic.in. (How to Check?)

Due to pandemic various challenges are present in front of CBSE Board in conducting 2021 exam. A major one of them is to conduct exam with student’s safety during exam. CBSE has done several changes to ensure safe exam conduction. Let’s have a look at the major highlights of the CBSE 2021 Board Exam.

CBSE Board 2021 Exam Date Sheet: Major Highlights

  1. All exams will be held in the offline-pen and paper mode.
  2. COVID-19 safety protocols in place. Wearing face masks at all times, the use of hand sanitizers and maintaining social distance is mandatory at the exam centres.
  3. Class 12 exam will be conducted on two shifts. The first shift would be conducted from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm and the second shift from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm.
  4. Class 10 exams will be held from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
  5. CBSE exam 2021 question paper will have more internal choices due to 30% reduction in the syllabus due to pandemic.
  6. After the distribution of Answer Books, 15 minutes of reading time will be given to both class 10 and class 12 students.
  7. To maintain social distancing, date sheet has been prepared in such a manner that on any day, the total number of students in an exam centre would not be more. This will help the exam centre strictly follow the COVID19 safety norms and management of the exam.
  8. As a part of COVID19 guidelines, no school staff who had worked in the morning shift will be given duty in the afternoon shift.
  9. Exams would be conducted for 75 subjects in class 10 and 111 subjects for Class 12 this year. CBSE Board exams 2021 would be conducted for 39 days.
  10. In 2020, exam schedule was of 45 days; however, in 2021 exam schedule is of 39 days. Accordingly, six days less is taken to conduct the exams in 2021. However, the board claims to have given “sufficient” time between exams of two main subjects to help students prepare.                                                                                                          
  11. CBSE official notice said that date sheet has been released “nearly three months before so that students can make their study plan and overcome the problems faced during the pandemic.” It claims to have given “sufficient time” between exams of main subjects in both classes 10 and 12.
  12. Education Minister Mr Ramesh Pokhriyal said “Please be assured that we have done our best to ensure that these exams go smoothly for you. Wish you good luck!” More than 34 lakh students have registered this year for classes 10 and 12 examinations. Crowd management and COVID-19 guidelines will be followed during the exam.
  13. CBSE will introduce application-based questions in class 12 board exams from 2021. “There will be more case-study based questions wherein a paragraph will be given to students and they will have to answer questions after reading the paragraph. This will assess students on their reading, understanding, interpretation, and answer writing abilities and move away from the rot learning,” said Joseph Emmanuel, director, academics at CBSE
  14. Controller of Examinations Sanyam Bharadwaj said there has been an attempt to reduce the number of days dedicated to the examination, “so schools which will function as exam centers will be able to use the days for their own activities”. While in 2020 the examinations had been conducted over 45 days, this year 75 class X papers and 111 class XII papers will be conducted over 39 days. Bharadwaj also said exams have been scattered in such a way that too many candidates will not be writing their papers on any given day.

RecommendedCBSE New Rule: NO Class 10 Student will fail in CBSE Board Exams

CBSE released the date sheet with a claim that the ample amount of time is given to students for exam preparations. It is announced 3 months prior so that student can plan it well. But, as per the previous year data, CBSE exams were conducted in 45 days and this year the complete date sheet is of 39 days. It is 6 days lesser than the previous year.

Organise and plan with studies as per the 6 days lesser time to perform best in CBSE Board 2021 exams. In these last months, solve 10 years CBSE Champion chapter wise – topic wise to know chapter importance and what type of questions are asked from a particular topic of a chapter. Score more by solving 21 sample papers.

Class 12 Study Material –These 3 books are sufficient to complete your question practice:  Excel for Peak Performance in Board Exams, 10 Years CBSE Champion Chapter wise – topic wise and SCOREMORE 21 sample papers CBSE Boards

Class 10 Study Material –These 2 books are sufficient to complete your question practice:  10 Years CBSE Champion Chapter wise – topic wise and SCOREMORE 21 sample papers CBSE Boards

Must Check: Class 10th Board Preparation: CBSE Question Bank 2020

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