Home ยป Target AIIMS 2019 – Physics A&R Quiz (Day-9)

Target AIIMS 2019 – Physics A&R Quiz (Day-9)

Update on: 01 May 2019, 03:56 PM

AIIMS MBBS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) entrance exam for MBBS course is scheduled for 25th and 26th May 2019. Every aspiring doctor dreams to be in AIIMS and wants to get its MBBS degree from there. The key to get admission into the Prestigious AIIMS college is through its entrance exam, and itโ€™s no cakewalk to CRACK. The AIIMS exam not only tests the conceptual understanding with its variety of questions (MCQs+ A&R) in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, but also examines awareness regarding current affairs. Students with sound understanding of concepts and good practise of the questions make it to the AIIMS College. AIIMS MBBS 2019 exam will consist of 200 objective type questions including MCQs and Assertion & Reason Questions from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, General Knowledge and Aptitude & Logical Thinking.

Assertion & Reason section is a trickier one, as it is difficult to come up to the correct choice. Assertion and Reason are two statements which may or may not hold any relation to each other and can be correct or incorrect. It is taxing to understand whether the two statements are related and the reason gives the correct explanation of the assertion or not. Any wrong response consumes your hard-earned points from the MCQS part. But, a GOOD Practise of this section can save you from such dreadful situation.

To help you prepare well for the AIIMS exam, we are running a quiz on Assertion & Reason section from Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Each week Assertion & Reason Quiz will go live thrice, one from each Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Make the best of this and practise hard to leave no scope for improvement!

Let the Quiz Roll On:


1. ASSERTION : A bulb connected in series with a solenoid is connected to A.C. source. If a soft iron core is introduced in the solenoid, the bulb will glow brighter. REASON : On introducing soft iron core in the solenoid, the inductance increases.

Correct! Wrong!

2. ASSERTION : Short wave communication over long distance is not possible via ground waves. REASON : The ground waves bend round the curvature of the earth.

Correct! Wrong!

3. ASSERTION : If earth suddenly stops rotating about its axis, then the value of acceleration due to gravity will become same at all the places. REASON : The value of acceleration due to gravity is independent of rotation of earth.

Correct! Wrong!

4. ASSERTION : If earth shrink to half its present size, length of the day would become 6 hours. REASON : As size of the earth changes its moment of inertia changes.

Correct! Wrong!

5. ASSERTION : In a pressure cooker the water is brought to boil. The cooker is then removed from the stove. Now on removing the lid of the pressure cooker, the water starts boiling again. REASON : The impurities in water bring down its boiling point.

Correct! Wrong!

6. ASSERTION : Soldiers are asked to break steps while crossing the bridge. REASON : The frequency of thick marching may be equal to the natural frequency of bridge and may lead to resonance which can break the bridge.

Correct! Wrong!

7. ASSERTION: For a charged particle moving from point P to point Q, the net work done by an electrostatic field on the particle is independent of the path connecting point P to point Q. REASON : The net work done by a conservative force on an object moving along a closed loop is zero.

Correct! Wrong!

8. ASSERTION : The properties of paramagnetic and ferromagnetic substance are not effected by heating. REASON : As temperature rises, the alignment of molecular magnets gradually increases.

Correct! Wrong!

9. ASSERTION : Dispersion of light occurs because velocity of light in a material depends upon its colour. REASON : The dispersive power depends only upon the material of the prism, not upon the refracting angle of the prism.

Correct! Wrong!

10. ASSERTION : If a heavy nucleus is split into two medium sized parts, each of the nuclei will have more binding energy per nucleon than the original nucleus. REASON : Joining two light nuclei together to give a single nucleus of medium size means more binding energy per nucleon than the two nucleus.

Correct! Wrong!

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AIIMS MBBS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) entrance exam for MBBS course is scheduled for 25th and 26th May 2019. Every aspiring doctor dreams to be in AIIMS and wants to get its MBBS degree from there. The key to get admission into the…...

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