Congratulations to all the students who have successfully passed the SOF Olympiad Level-1 exam! You are in the top 5% who have now qualified for the Level-2 exam, which will take place on 11th February 2024 for IEO, NSO, & IMO. Qualifying for Level-2 is a great achievement in itself. But the challenge is not over yet, Level-2 Olympiad exam will be even more challenging, with less than 1% of students able to pass it. But don’t worry, MTG is here to help you with the best resources to prepare for the SOF Olympiad Level-2 exams.
As the original official academic partner of SOF, MTG is authorised to access the authentic SOF Olympiad content like previous year papers etc which is bound to bring the best content for you. MTG holds 25 years of experience in creating the best Olympiad resources and successful Olympiad Champions! So, let’s discuss the resources which will secure your SOF Olympiad Win!
Best MTG SOF Level-2 Study Resources 📚
Following resources are meticulously curated for the best preparation for SOF Level-2 exam.
Olympiad IEO Recorded lectures – Buy Now
– 3 Mock tests based on the SOF Olympiad 2023 exam pattern.
– Test duration & Number of questions matches the SOF Olympiad.
– Syllabus and difficulty level are aligned with the SOF Olympiad.
– Attempt the tests anytime and anywhere.
– 5 Practice test papers in PDF format.
– 5 OMR Answer sheets in PDF format.
– 5 Answer Keys for the practice test papers in PDF format.
Olympiad IEO Previous Years Paper – Buy Now
These resources have been meticulously curated to provide you with the best preparation for the SOF Olympiad Level-2 exam. They cover all the essential aspects of the exam, from mastering concepts to solving practice questions and familiarizing yourself with previous year papers. With the right preparation and dedicated efforts, you can excel at the international level and bring pride and joy to your parents.
So, stop wasting time! The competition is fierce, and the exam is tough. Start preparing for the SOF Olympiad Level-2 exam immediately and put in your best effort. Remember, with the right resources and determination, you can achieve great success in the Olympiad exams.
Good luck!